1. deleting forum thinking he can get rid of us fags just like that lol he just made shit worse, now we alls got pics of his bitch with the fucken hok nose lol man that cracks me up hands down he lost his mind man
2. talk shit about other people women man he talk shit about tyler, brad p, john wolf, and all them cats and damn he come out with a hok nose bitch lol and then he start crying when we post her pic but he post pics of brad ps and all that. he fucken ripped jon wolf man now hes getting ripped hands down his bitch lol
7. Can't interview anyone without sucking their dick
8. Interrupts people non stop
9. His inability to complete a topic without getting distracted
10. Shitty, boring, retarded guests (KoolKev)
11. Not funny
12. Bonus shows are a fucking joke (didn't even go into the cemetery, and the tyler show sucked)
13. In his early shows he said Style wasn't a bad guy "at the end of the day" LOL
14. Won't talk about this forum on the show, pussy
That's for the ad money.
I actually sent him a mail that he read on the show... that mail contained the name "PUA Hate". When reading the mail on the air, he suddenly stopped and said "I'm not ready to plug this site yet".
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I remember when he started the show (ep 1-30ish) there was going to be no censoring and no political bullshit, just real talk. Great.
After that he slowly started to censor parts (where is worked for example), which was completely fine.
Then he started to censor entire bits (ex: Janne buying used underwear) and the wheels started to come off.
BK then stopped ripping on people for political reasons (Savoy, Mehow, Sean Messenger and Steperson (sp?)) and the show went downhill. Now he only rips on Tyler and Papa over and over and over and over....babababababa booooorrrriiinnngggg.
Then the forum was shutdown because people were ripping on him and the pussy couldn't handle it. It couldn't have been about the money because he was MAKING money off of it.
So now were at the point where he won't even talk about this website on his show for political and financial reasons. He's completely sold out for the sake of $30 in ad revenue. The show has evolved into something he didn't want it to be when he started out, and now it completely fucking sucks.
So Barry is suppose to advertise Puahate on the show cause nick gave barry the money and it should be this week when he does it. So if he doesn't advertise it then he does deserve to get shit on cause that was his program he was offering. So it's going to be interesting this week.
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I'm pissed because he's selling out for the sake $30
It was never about the money during the early episodes. If this was earlier episode, Barry would have taken a shot of us.
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I remember when he started the show (ep 1-30ish) there was going to be no censoring and no political bullshit, just real talk. Great.
After that he slowly started to censor parts (where is worked for example), which was completely fine.
Then he started to censor entire bits (ex: Janne buying used underwear) and the wheels started to come off.
BK then stopped ripping on people for political reasons (Savoy, Mehow, Sean Messenger and Steperson (sp?)) and the show went downhill. Now he only rips on Tyler and Papa over and over and over and over....babababababa booooorrrriiinnngggg.
Then the forum was shutdown because people were ripping on him and the pussy couldn't handle it. It couldn't have been about the money because he was MAKING money off of it.
So now were at the point where he won't even talk about this website on his show for political and financial reasons. He's completely sold out for the sake of $30 in ad revenue. The show has evolved into something he didn't want it to be when he started out, and now it completely fucking sucks.
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Of course it's about money, he
. It wasn't when he had a job, but that was before.
Are you retards or what? Do you not get it? It's his only source of income, so yes,
Things change, thing evolve. I know you were mad when Dawson slept with someone else than Joey Potter, but things evolve, and it's not always a bad thing. Keep your fucking mind open, dude.
You don't make any sense, and your head is sooo far your own ass that you don't even notice it.
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